Just one more post before I go play best niece/cousin ever and hang with them for the cousins birthday!
2 lil recipies to share with ya.
Holler Kels, shoulda known better and posted these with the original post
Corn on the Cob with chili-lime-garlic butter
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 lime juiced
2 cloves of garlic
1-2 sprigs of cilantro (if ya want)
a few dashes of chili powder and pepper.
and of course...butter any kind will do rachel and I used land o lakes light
mix it all together and this is good to cover about 2 big ears of corn..I would add the ingredients to personalize em for your taste buds but we made this last night and it was premo!
Chicken with Goat Cheese sauce
2-3 tbsp of red wine vinaigrette
1/3 cup of olive oil
1/8 cup of goat cheese ( I use the crumbles for better handling)
4-5 chopped leaves of basil
2 chicken breasts
1. Cut the fat off the chicken and slice them in half so they cook faster and you get a right size portion
2. Cook the chicken in the skillet in olive oil (not included in the recipe above) careful of the pooping grease...
3. soak up the extra grease when the chicken is done with a paper towel or two
4. mix all the ingredients above to make the vinaigrette
5. I made some Risotto with parm cheese but would recommend making the rissotto with a low sodium chicken broth makes it taste much better. (I used water it was still good)
I even had this for lunch today as leftovers, just as good!

Just to prove how fabulous my life is...today I got to pull weeds in heels, love my job!
I mean look at our work vehicle...

Well everyone, have a great day and stay fabulous!!!