Ya know that feeling of utter lack of care and want to be productive...Yeah that is me right now and my life is reflecting it. Yesterday, I thought I had an appt at 8am so I got up ran, showered, made my lunch, got in the car check my appt card and it was for Tuesday...then had a hair cut at 1:30 or so I thought...it was at 2:30. I felt real cool walking in on my haircuttin lady who just stared at me...I proceeded to get my hair cut go home and nap. Then went to circuit training class, then came home painted my nails that was another catastrophe in and of itself. I though of dark puruple and bronze sparkles will look good for the wedding...IN OCTOBER my toes look like they have been attacked by haloween...Now, i'm not complaining, im fine being a hot mess. But I jsut wanted to convey what my life is like right now. Why, I have no clue. I also realized I will have no mailing address for the next month because my mailbox contract expires and you cant renew it for just one month so goodbye online shopping...may prove not to be a bad thing.
In food news made some scruptious goat cheese pasta with raspberry vinaigrette and garlic chicken...I like to think of myself as the gypsy chef...pulling whats in the fridge because I wont buy groceries. I did however discover the most nom nom yougurt bars ever. Cover your eyes ice cream lovers but I Would take this over DQ, ben and jerrys or cold stone any day. I highly reccomend them and they are only 110 calories. Now, I need to discover how to make them.

Here's some Army for your day, for all you divas who missed my Commissioning I just found some pics that were taken at it .
Yay me!
happy Tuesday all 14 days til the reunion of the year occurs!
When did you get a new camera? I could just text you and ask this, but I felt cooler commenting.