Well, I failed at blogging this weekend but now I must prepare to go play in the field. Today we have weapons draw and then head out to the field. Don't worry there will be pictures to come and oh no showers all week!!! Yay
Hope everyone stays fabulous....
Monday, September 26, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Frazzled but Fabulous
So, I believe that this week I have been more tired and frazzled than I have felt in a while. I don't know why, I think its an accumulation of last weeks double test, leadership duties, and playing dancing queen Friday night and DD to some very entertaining boys Saturday night. We have also had to be up at 0430 every morning this week for PT then go to class all day. Yesterday, we had a reception where we met a bunch of Colonels and the 2 star general of Army Medical Command. For those of you who are non military inclined these were some very high up people and we were schmoozed until 1900 aka 7pm. That made studying, working out, anything else drop to the bottom of my list. I went to Applebee's because the dining facility was closed, came home, and went to bed. I am also the platoon supply officer and we are going to the field next week so we have had lots more to do, and we have a Final and ASU(army service uniform) inspection tomorrow...ugh.
I must shamefully admit I walked out of my door to go to PT this morning wearing a regular bra, had to go change. After class, I changed for the gym, as I sat in the lobby messing around on the computer I realized I was wearing 2 bras, a regular one and a sports bra...having tons of class I whipped off the regular one and stuck it in my purse.

I firmly believe this is the last Coach bag I would ever need...maybe
I also find this cape to be adorable, expensive, but adorable...i have found some cheaper options <3 Coach

love love love this dress, holiday party?
I am also currently obsessed with slouchy sweaters, skinny jeans, and some fabulous boots...I am itchin to wear my new grey ones
As the supply guy I had to find a way to ID my platoons bags when they were all thrown in a truck...I suggest Hello Kitty duck tape, but couldn't find any so I resorted to sparkly ribbon.
I must shamefully admit I walked out of my door to go to PT this morning wearing a regular bra, had to go change. After class, I changed for the gym, as I sat in the lobby messing around on the computer I realized I was wearing 2 bras, a regular one and a sports bra...having tons of class I whipped off the regular one and stuck it in my purse.
Today though, we got out early and got to do a simulated weapons range to prep us for the real thing next week...all I have to say is if I have a weapon and you are on my bad side...its a bad place to be. Anywho, I figured since I have put nothing awesome on here lately, let's be real my life isnt that exciting...I am going to share some things I honestly believe I need...
I am obsessed with orange and bows.

I am obsessed with orange and bows.

I firmly believe this is the last Coach bag I would ever need...maybe

I also find this cape to be adorable, expensive, but adorable...i have found some cheaper options <3 Coach

love love love this dress, holiday party?

I am also having home withdrawl, it has been 6 months since I have had a space/place of my own and I am ready to get an APT with my doggies, and start decorating. I think i want to pick one color and accent with it. I am very into orange lately...or blue. Anywho, I was at the PX today and saw some fall decorations and I fell in love with this mosaic platter, I may go get it....thoughts

I would also like to have this framed with one of Va and Fl too I think in different shades of blue would be adorbs

I would also like to have this framed with one of Va and Fl too I think in different shades of blue would be adorbs
Anywho, Grey's Anatomy is on and I have to "study". I hope everyone stays fabulous and has a good Friday!!!
Monday, September 12, 2011

Okay before i start i would just like to caveat my terrible upkeep of blogging with being super busy and the internet here STINKS! so much... and I have no patience to sit around and watch a screen load for 30 minutes...grrr
Anywho, I am gonna be a bit sentimental to start off...Yesterday was the 9.11.2001 anniversary. It was also the day my family thought we had lost our hero. We had just moved to Va and my dad was jsut starting his job at the Pentagon. i remeber sitting in class as our teacher told us what had happened, my mom comes rushing into my classroom saying we have to leave...My mom, little brotehr and I drove to pick Scott up from highschool, the whole time I was telling my self , do not cry, and praying harder than I ever had before. As we were getting out of the car in the school parking lot we get a phone call. I just hear my mom saying thank you so much...she hung up and dad was okay. Scariest moment of my life. As much as my family can get under my skin I would be lost with out them. Yesterday just reminded me how lucky I am. So pray for those, because it still hurts me to even think about it, I can't imagine what those who lost loved ones are feeling.
My brother, Scott sums it up much better than i do, "Ten years ago today I thought I lost my hero. Fortunatley, Al Queda couldn't get superman. It'll be old age and dimentia that get poppa bear."
Okay sappiness over.
In other news, I miss my puppies like crazyyyy. We floated the river again this weekend and it was fun. We went to the riverwalk and the Mercado for dinner. I had a prickly pear margarita...best thing ever...and of course ate some nom nom mexican.
I passed my pt test got a 289 out of 300...not my best but pretty good. Ill take it. Madeleine also introduced me to birchbox.com if you haven't checked it out please do. Definitley a cool idea.
I am the Company First Seargeant this week which means I am in charge of 370 people, have to know where they are and what they are doing...ugh not my favorite job. I also have a midterm, a test on chemical, radiological, biological, and nuclear attack this week, and a presentation due. On the brighter side I have today off and tomorrow we are doing shots and filling out our wills.(sounds morbid but its an easy day).
Also, there are wildfires in our training area....pretty scary but i think they put em all out.
I miss all my friends and cannot wait to see everyone again. The way its looking ill be in pensacola for Halloween and Fort Bragg a few days after..holla
Saturday, September 10, 2011
...::Getting By::...
What up tricks?! This is Rachel...Kaitlin's "guest blogger". I have been wanting to blog for a WhIlE but I've been slightly busy educating young minds. I am a high school chemistry teacher for the time being....yayeee. *sarcasm* I am thankful to have a job, I just can't wait to go on to the next step and add this to the pages of my scrapbook. We do have a class pet. He is a beautiful blue beta fish whom the students have named H2O.

Well, life without my K. Ray has been difficult to say the least. I don't exactly remember how to function without her, but, slowly it is coming back. I am SO happy that she's finally at BOLC and about to start her real career in the Army at Ft. Bragg. I only hope that Brian and I get stationed there as well, but knowing our luck, we will just about the same time she'll be leaving :(. Such is life in the Army I suppose. Friends coming and going. Now would be an excellent time to overcome my seperation anxiety!! :/ But Rome wasn't built in a day, and eventually I'll be able to say goodbye without crying. Ok, enough sappiness...on the brighter side I did purchase this fabulous cocktail ring today.

A little large, I know, but I have a mild obsession/fetish with large rings and earrings so I had to have it. I think I'll save it for GNO when Kaitlin comes back. If we get seperated she'll be able to find me that's for sure. Speaking of when Kailtin comes back...which will be around Haloween... and gawdy jewlery, I think I have found my Haloween costume! Yayee! I'm thinking black tutu-ish skirt, black wings (found some small but fabulous ones at icing), and some sort of black top, a feathery black facinator, and this amazing spider ring/bracelet thing with matching earrings (of course). I SO wish I had taken a picture of it but the thought didn't cross my mind. Anywho...I'd be the angel of death. Slightly played out, a little on the trashy side, but I think I can add a bit of fabulousness to it and make it oh so chic. We shall see. Ideally Brian would wear some type of white linen pants, no shirt, and white wings (thus being a good angel) but the I'm having a hard time convincing him...shocking I know. So, perhaps if K. Ray comes back in town for Haloween SHE can be my other half and we can be insanely fabulous again!!! My other option is to be Kesha...hhmmm. On the more cultured side of life, I am reading the Hunger Games...OMG AMAZING!!! I have just started the last one..."Mockingjay". SO excited to see how they end. And the movie is coming out soon! Yayee! The actors look like they'll be really good so hopefully there won't be a repeat of the Twilight movies/books. I mean don't get me wrong...I read ALL the twilight books in like a week and I am the first in line to see the new movies when they come out, but the actors and the filming could have been a bit better. Seriously. Well, Kristen Stewart just sucks in my opinion. She's a sappy actress and her personality in real life SUCKS! Not that I know her or anything, but I have seen enough interviews to know she's not nicest person on the face of the earth. Which is ok every now and then...but in EVERY interview?! So, since the Hunger Games books are SO incredibly awesome I REALLY hope the movies are too. Eeekk! SO excited :)

Well...I think I have bored you guys enough. About to watch a few South Park episodes on Netflix. Saturday night laugh time. I would like to end by reminding K. Ray how very much I LOVE AND MISS HER! Here a picture of the sunset in Pensacola a few days ago....
And this is one of my favorite memories with you K. Ray....Cinco de Mayo oh yeah hahaha! Or should I say rik kik kik :) It's on May 5th right?! Aaaahhh!
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful second week of September! Until next time...StAy FaBuLoUs!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Monday, September 5, 2011
4 days=amazing
So this past weekend I experienced my first real Army 4 day weekend, and it was awesome. The gang and I decided to head to Austin, TX and check out 6th St for the night...it was so fun, the live music and different people...their slogan is Keep Austin Weird...enough said. Not before I had the best suprise of my life. I went to see Mr and Mrs Collins at their friends retirement ceremony and who pops out... MAD! I was so so so so happy and so so impressed she was able to keep a secret from me. WE had a fabulous evening, eating of course and we went to the cutest little town called Greune, TX the next day. I got a dress for 13 dollars...and they served you margaritas as you shopped.
It was so amazing to see Mad and her family and we have kept up our 3 week rule...winning!
Saturday, after a long night in Austin we got up and went to the Comal River. Floated for abotu 4 hours it was very fun. I almost died dropping of a ledge and lost my D&G sunglasses my brother got me for graduation to the river...no worries though my floating croakies made it to the top of the water..
Yesterday we were going to go eat at a pizza place on diners, drive ins and dives but the wait was 2 hours so we went to Texas Road hosue and saw Our Idiot Brother...it was okay. Not as funny as I thought. Today we went to the mall and had some food so nom nom nom. THere is lots of eating and drinking on the weekends.
Not much to announce my PT test is this weekend and I am nervous, everyone has been adding time to their run....eeek! If I get a good score I get to get certified in combatives aka kick butt so heres hoping.
Stay Fabulous tricks!
It was so amazing to see Mad and her family and we have kept up our 3 week rule...winning!
Saturday, after a long night in Austin we got up and went to the Comal River. Floated for abotu 4 hours it was very fun. I almost died dropping of a ledge and lost my D&G sunglasses my brother got me for graduation to the river...no worries though my floating croakies made it to the top of the water..
Yesterday we were going to go eat at a pizza place on diners, drive ins and dives but the wait was 2 hours so we went to Texas Road hosue and saw Our Idiot Brother...it was okay. Not as funny as I thought. Today we went to the mall and had some food so nom nom nom. THere is lots of eating and drinking on the weekends.
Not much to announce my PT test is this weekend and I am nervous, everyone has been adding time to their run....eeek! If I get a good score I get to get certified in combatives aka kick butt so heres hoping.
Stay Fabulous tricks!
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