What up tricks?! This is Rachel...Kaitlin's "guest blogger". I have been wanting to blog for a WhIlE but I've been slightly busy educating young minds. I am a high school chemistry teacher for the time being....yayeee. *sarcasm* I am thankful to have a job, I just can't wait to go on to the next step and add this to the pages of my scrapbook. We do have a class pet. He is a beautiful blue beta fish whom the students have named H2O.

Well, life without my K. Ray has been difficult to say the least. I don't exactly remember how to function without her, but, slowly it is coming back. I am SO happy that she's finally at BOLC and about to start her real career in the Army at Ft. Bragg. I only hope that Brian and I get stationed there as well, but knowing our luck, we will just about the same time she'll be leaving :(. Such is life in the Army I suppose. Friends coming and going. Now would be an excellent time to overcome my seperation anxiety!! :/ But Rome wasn't built in a day, and eventually I'll be able to say goodbye without crying. Ok, enough sappiness...on the brighter side I did purchase this fabulous cocktail ring today.

A little large, I know, but I have a mild obsession/fetish with large rings and earrings so I had to have it. I think I'll save it for GNO when Kaitlin comes back. If we get seperated she'll be able to find me that's for sure. Speaking of when Kailtin comes back...which will be around Haloween... and gawdy jewlery, I think I have found my Haloween costume! Yayee! I'm thinking black tutu-ish skirt, black wings (found some small but fabulous ones at icing), and some sort of black top, a feathery black facinator, and this amazing spider ring/bracelet thing with matching earrings (of course). I SO wish I had taken a picture of it but the thought didn't cross my mind. Anywho...I'd be the angel of death. Slightly played out, a little on the trashy side, but I think I can add a bit of fabulousness to it and make it oh so chic. We shall see. Ideally Brian would wear some type of white linen pants, no shirt, and white wings (thus being a good angel) but the I'm having a hard time convincing him...shocking I know. So, perhaps if K. Ray comes back in town for Haloween SHE can be my other half and we can be insanely fabulous again!!! My other option is to be Kesha...hhmmm. On the more cultured side of life, I am reading the Hunger Games...OMG AMAZING!!! I have just started the last one..."Mockingjay". SO excited to see how they end. And the movie is coming out soon! Yayee! The actors look like they'll be really good so hopefully there won't be a repeat of the Twilight movies/books. I mean don't get me wrong...I read ALL the twilight books in like a week and I am the first in line to see the new movies when they come out, but the actors and the filming could have been a bit better. Seriously. Well, Kristen Stewart just sucks in my opinion. She's a sappy actress and her personality in real life SUCKS! Not that I know her or anything, but I have seen enough interviews to know she's not nicest person on the face of the earth. Which is ok every now and then...but in EVERY interview?! So, since the Hunger Games books are SO incredibly awesome I REALLY hope the movies are too. Eeekk! SO excited :)

Well...I think I have bored you guys enough. About to watch a few South Park episodes on Netflix. Saturday night laugh time. I would like to end by reminding K. Ray how very much I LOVE AND MISS HER! Here a picture of the sunset in Pensacola a few days ago....
And this is one of my favorite memories with you K. Ray....Cinco de Mayo oh yeah hahaha! Or should I say rik kik kik :) It's on May 5th right?! Aaaahhh!
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful second week of September! Until next time...StAy FaBuLoUs!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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