As the supply guy I had to find a way to ID my platoons bags when they were all thrown in a truck...I suggest Hello Kitty duck tape, but couldn't find any so I resorted to sparkly ribbon.
I must shamefully admit I walked out of my door to go to PT this morning wearing a regular bra, had to go change. After class, I changed for the gym, as I sat in the lobby messing around on the computer I realized I was wearing 2 bras, a regular one and a sports bra...having tons of class I whipped off the regular one and stuck it in my purse.
Today though, we got out early and got to do a simulated weapons range to prep us for the real thing next week...all I have to say is if I have a weapon and you are on my bad side...its a bad place to be. Anywho, I figured since I have put nothing awesome on here lately, let's be real my life isnt that exciting...I am going to share some things I honestly believe I need...
I am obsessed with orange and bows.

I am obsessed with orange and bows.

I firmly believe this is the last Coach bag I would ever need...maybe

I also find this cape to be adorable, expensive, but adorable...i have found some cheaper options <3 Coach

love love love this dress, holiday party?

I am also having home withdrawl, it has been 6 months since I have had a space/place of my own and I am ready to get an APT with my doggies, and start decorating. I think i want to pick one color and accent with it. I am very into orange lately...or blue. Anywho, I was at the PX today and saw some fall decorations and I fell in love with this mosaic platter, I may go get it....thoughts

I would also like to have this framed with one of Va and Fl too I think in different shades of blue would be adorbs

I would also like to have this framed with one of Va and Fl too I think in different shades of blue would be adorbs
Anywho, Grey's Anatomy is on and I have to "study". I hope everyone stays fabulous and has a good Friday!!!
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