Well, it has been another crazy week in the life of me. This week I was busy lounging around, cleaning, and cooking. My friends have been questioning why I cook and bake....I love it duh, but they have their husbands cook for them. i have been doing alot of baking lately with alot of pumpkin...its awesome. I made some spongy-cookie cake thing that was a hit...substituted splenda because I didnt have sugar.
And I am currently awaiting the completion on my fabulous pice de resistonce(sp*) Pumpkin Cheesecake...For the past 5 years or so we have shared thanksgiving dinner with family friends back home and this year is no different(I was unable to go home for turkey day last year but Mad's family graciously let me crash their Mash up of families)...Luckily our entire family is able to be home, along with their College grad and naval academy attendee and we get to feast. I get to make a dessert for this year so of course, I go ambitious and pick a pumpkin cheesecake.
Cheesecake Crust.
Nom Nom Nom.
I made one for mad's thanksgiving last year and it was delicious(I thought).
This weekend I also got to see some amazing family friends that live here and we grew up with their kids. They are great and are a home away from home. I've been doing some minor online shopping and have gotten some great buys with all my DSW coupons. I was able to get 2 pairs of shoes for 20 dollas> I had like 80 dollars worth hah.
I have also been crafting. I made a corkboard to go with my room. Surprisingly easy, for the non artsy person...and I loved picking out the fabrics and ribbons...
Get your supplies:
-fabric glue or staple gun ( i found the glue easier to operate)
- I plan on adding tacks or buttons of some kind
cut the fabric....glue 3 sides onto the canvas...stuff the batting as easily as possible
easy schmeesy
I can not wait to go home tomorrow after work. I am not looking forward to the drive but I get to see family, friends, and my PUPPIES!What more could a girl ask for.
I hope you and your families have a fabulous thanksgiving..
Stay fabulous