Also needs a few finishing touches but for now it will do!
Okay so again I apologize for being mia in the blog world. In the last few weeks I have relocated from the midwest back to the east coast, gotten my own apartment paid by my own money...and started my job, well kind of. I am still waiting for my assignment but I have checked in with my unit.
It was extremely bitter sweet saying goodbye to Texas. I am going to miss the food, dance halls(which I have decided are so much better than clubs), the awesome country music, and all the wonderful friends I met along the way. But I am finally settled in NC and am ready to have some friends.
I get to see my BFF Kelsey next weekend for her birthday and a little carolina florida football wee hoo. I am so excited
On my way to NC I got to see my grandpa who gave me a hand gun! WE went to lunch and it was so good to see him. Then it was on to Baton Rouge where my aunt and I went through the haunted house that is there it was very scary. But we also got to enjoy a fried oreo which was delicious and heavily caloric...then i got to go to Pensacola and see the FABULOUS RACHEL AND BRIAN. It was short but amazing we went to the fair had some funnel cake and it was delicious. well im off to watch some lifetime and do some laundry
Stay Fabulous everyone!
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