Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My weekend and some other stuff!!

So, again, it has been a while...I can't even think of any good excuses.
I went to texas for the MLK Holiday and it was amazing!

The man and I went hiking, went to a spurs game, I got to take a nap, ate...ALOT, went to a piano bar, the list goes on. WE got to spend time with his family resting the soul It was awesome. 

I also have a quiche recipe I am going to post tonight...gotta go to work
:( we're having career day...yup that's right Army strong! It's a great excuse to socialize with all my biffles!!!

Below is my devotional for the day. Scroll on down and read, God has a way of reminding you of his grace and power when you least expect it.

So the background. Pharaoh had cut the Israelites supply of straw but had still required them to make the same number of bricks. The people were slaves in Egypt and had looked all over for straw, while their fellow believers were being beaten.
I heard this devotional today and it made me laugh. God really has this funny way of saying, HEY YOU, why don’t you listen to me, I know you way better!
So here is the story, my boss recently recommended me for a very prestigious award. I had no clue, didn't ask him to do it, he just did. He then mentioned it very casually in passing and I was surprised. I told him thank you and I appreciate it. He then proceeded to make me do work, to aid in submitting the award. Now, a little background, I love my job, love my Soldiers, but I get frustrated with him a lot, because I am a very strongly opinionated person and so is he. 
Anywho, when I found out about this award I couldn’t help but wonder if he was doing this for selfish reasons, if I get the award, he gets to put it on his annual evaluation. I shared these thoughts with my mom and my boyfriend and of course they both denied denied denied. Now, I know how ungrateful I sound, but I have been through a lot with this guy and have kind of lost my faith in him.
Well after my devotional today God smacked me upside the head with this passage from “God remained firmly on Israel’s side—at work behind the scenes. Like the Israelites, we can become so downhearted that we ignore encouragement. In dark times, it’s comforting to remember that God is our deliverer (Ps. 40:17). He is always at work on our behalf, even if we can’t see what He is doing.”

Yeah, needless to say the oh mann I am very ungrateful feeling set in. So my praise today is Thank God for giving me the glimmer or hope and faith when I am at my wit’s end with this man. Praise him for teaching me that even when I feel alone and frustrated I’m not. And finally that prayers are answered, i have been praying for him and for me to have some type of feedback from him and I just blindly passed that huge gesture over.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring really has sprung

Well this weekend really was beautiful! I think my complaining if cold weather may have paid off. High 60s all weekend and 70s this week! Praise The Lord.

Well last week was pretty bad. Work was just rough, which the first week of the month usually is but I was in no mood to deal with life. I told my boss March 8th was cancelled and we all should just go home. That obviously didnt happen.

The good news is though I got to see my daddy this weekend. He took me and the roomie to mellow mushroom and we hung out Friday night and watched WWE (the worst acting and show in general) and American pickers which is pretty good.

He was reunited with his favorite dog ever which of course is hilarious to watch haha.
He left Saturday morning after breakfast at Rainbow Room a new hole in the wall place we found. It was delicious.

Then I didn't do a whole lot. Got my crossfit on and it was an awesome workout. Adrian. Google it it's an awesome workout.
Then Brian came over and we hung out for a while with marina. Well he hung out with the dogs.

That night we went to dinner at scrub oaks and then see oz with Kinsey which was awesome!!!

Dinner was amazing.

Sunday went to church and Cracker Barrel (I know alot of eating out dont judge) and did some people watching

I'm investing in a wig for James and that outfit for me.

Marina and I walked the dogs for a good while and they proceeded to do this therest of the day

The family dinner and Sunday treat! Be jealous

We may or may not have issues with food.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Spring has sprung...

NOT! It's freezing here 30's just a bit drastic.
Well I had a fairly busy weekend. The roomie got confirmed!!!

It's a horrible picture but it was what I had! I'm so proud of her she did it all on her own and an very happy for her. We celebrated with about 15 people and dinner at this adorable Greek restaurant downtown names Shereffe. (It means cheers it Greek) it was delicious.
Saturday she left me for Chicagoland to go visit a friend. Brian (rachel is coming up next week hopefully!) and I went to Raleigh and did some hardcore shopping and eating. Needless to say back to being paleo this week, I have noticed I feel alot better when I eat that way then on the weekends when I get out if control.
Update I have been trying fish and actually like it so the roomie cooked dinner Monday to make up for her absence!

The dogs have also been loving the empty lots in our neighborhood lately. I'm not loving the mud but pbtl for rain boots!

Brian and I also spent the weekend furniture shopping well not really just looking at all the ugly stuff. He's going to get Rachel aka the wifey this weekend and finally we will be reunited!

Well party people I'm out. Hopefully ill get my scattered brain together one day and these posts will make sense but that is not today!

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Monday, February 25, 2013


Today will be a great day! This morning there was a beautiful sunrise!

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Last Week!

Well lets recap the week. It's been busieeee. As usual. Alot happened this week baby brother turned 21 oy ve!

Kinsey got promoted!!! And Marina had a birthday too! Woot woot!

So now were both firsties! The cake was an epic fail not centered and Christmas colors... Not okay. But the important thing is is that she got promoted! Even though it's automatic it's a big milestone and I'm so happy we got to share it!

Marina had her birthday Friday and we had a duck dynasty birthday party it was a huge success.
We had brisket, Mac and cheese, meatball, cake of course, and a ton of alcohol.

This was the leftovers!

Everyone showed up decked out in camo. We watched some duck dynasty and had a great time. Came to the realization were all getting old.

Jermey and marina chilling on the couch pre party!

Brian and Rachel were here this weekend and I got to spend a ton of time with them! They are moving up here just bought a house. Finally!!!

And marina and I. This sums up our relationship, love her to death. I know I look super cute haha.

Today called for some serious cooking and attempting to eat paleo for the week.

I love apple chips I can eat a bag in one sitting. And today I found a recipe for some!
Here's the recipe:
Set the oven to 250 degrees
-2 cups of unsweetened apple juice
-2 apples (1/8 in slices)
1. Cut the apples

2. Boil the apple juice

3. Cook the apples for 4-5 minutes with some cinnamon.

4. Take them out and dry them with a cloth use a baking rack and pan once that is done.

5. Put them in the oven for 45-55 minutes or until you think they are done.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

PA Packet

Good news! After one very disgruntled postal worker and $20 later I have submitted my packet for PA school!

Woo hoo! Also sent the boyfriend his valentines day one said I was in top of things...good thing he loves me in despite of it!

I saw this and realized it reflects my life 85% of the time. The other 15% Im sleeping!

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Monday, February 18, 2013


Nom nom lunch!

Apple and Gouda grilled cheese
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